Monday, May 20, 2013

The Most Untrue Fiction (Fiction Packet #1)

First and foremost I would like to start by saying that I would rather take on a short fiction story over a short poem ANY DAY  Not saying there's anything wrong poems I actually like poems, the ones that I can understand and or can relate to, which isn't a lot. Sorry back to the subject at hand, I would say that my favorite short stories were "The List of Famous Hats" and "Misdemeanors." 

"The List of Famous Hats" was a little bit funny. I liked how he/she chose to make fun of the infamous figure from the worlds past  Napoleon and over exaggerate his features specifically his head, which if you really look at it is rather big. The writing states how his body never caught up to his head and how he had to get specially made rubber bath caps for that head of his, which I believe to be filled with a lot of hot air and water. Just imagine reading something like this during his sad tyranny, I wonder how many people would have took him seriously.

" Misdemeanors" was absolutely hilarious to me. Oh the irony of getting caught up in a lie, I will not lie to say I've been in that situation lots of times.... When I was a kid. Old dude was a grown man lying about his convictions, saying that he was some big bad convict when all he did was rob a bowling alley for some chump change AND GETS CAUGHT.! Oh how embarrassing and I don't mean the fact that he got caught is embarrassing, which it is as well, but I'm talking about him not being charged because he was a couple quarters short of a felony. If only the wife would have kept her mouth shut everything would have been all good. I now know this is probably a little less than have of all the "big bad convicts" now. At the end of the day Its all a big fat lie.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, great. Say a bit more and include more examples/details from the stories. 15/20 points.
